- gitハブから最新のFastLEDライブラリをダウンロード
GitHub - FastLED/FastLED: The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino. Please direct questions/requests for help to the FastLED Reddit community: http://fastled.io/r We'd like to use github "issues" just for tracking library bugs / enhancements.
The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino. Please direct questions/requests for help to the FastLED Reddit community: We'd like to use gi...
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2. Docuemtns\Arduino\libraries以下に展開
3. サンプルコードを実行
#include <FastLED.h> const int DATA_PIN = 19; const int NUM_LEDS = 16; CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; #define FPS 30 void setup() { // シリアルポートの設定 Serial.begin(115200); delay(100); // FastLEDの設定 FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS); FastLED.setBrightness(64); set_max_power_in_volts_and_milliamps(5, 100); } void loop() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { leds[i] = CHSV(i * 10, 255, 255); } FastLED.show(); FastLED.delay(1000 / FPS); }
4. リングLEDが色相順に光る (写真は試作基板です。)